General Account Queries
- Understanding your account number and sort code
- What is a pending transaction?
- What is a Current Account?
- Are there any limits on the account?
- How do I update my contact details and personal information?
- Why are there three different accounts?
- What happens if I don’t have any money in my account?
- What is the maximum balance I can have on the card?
- I think I've been charged twice. How do I get my money back?
- My account is in negative. What’s happened and what can I do?
- Will I receive interest if my account is in credit?
- Can I hold more than one currency in my current account?
- Can I have 2 current accounts?
- Can I pay or receive payments if my account is frozen?
- How do I get a refund for a purchase I made?
- Is there anything I can’t buy with my Suits Me account?
- Can I reverse a pending transaction?
- How do I get cash out of my account?
- Can I add another cardholder to my account?